X89 blog | car crash

Not my morning …. If you would like to witness’s car crash you need to cast your eyes my way….

11 hours earlier…..

Arrived home from office exhausted, order some super yummy Thai and sat on the couch (which haven’t done all week) to watch Luther Season 3 … Food was down and my eyelids were incredibly heavy and that was when I knew to bed it was for me! At like 10pm… Unheard of!

Sit bolt upright panicked, pick up phone, it reads 8:05! Holy shit Batman, Robins gonna be deadline surfing this morning….

Literally morph to shower…. It’s not getting hot! Fuck power outage last night… Throw clothes back on. Go outside flip the ‘fire trucking’ switch and go back in side. Trip on stairs on the way back up, nearly lose my two front teeth! Can’t wait for the hot water to heat up…. So dive in! I wanted to scream sooooo loud with how cold it was in there …. Shivering and quivering like a puppy that your leaving at home for the first time, I manage to get through it and survive!

Operation ‘toasty’ is now in affect as I try and warm up, throw the clothes on and fly out the door …. I see a 333 is sailing past my stop …. Missed it! Shit! Run iBosch run!


Get to bus stop frazzled and crying…. Not sobbing crying. But have used a new mascara this morning and my eyes are watering like taps and starting to swell… Pretty sure I am allergic and won’t be able to see by the time I get to MP!

Through one squinty eye and tears rolling out of it, I see a X84 approaching!I am saved and I have a few moments to relive and collect myself before I smash Friday people’s!

I declare I will not be defeated!!!

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